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Showing posts from 2019

Our Office Is Not Haunted

Sub: Urgent Notification for All Employees From: Hi, This is to notify all employees of T4 Tech Inc. that the HR department will not be accepting any more resignations from today onwards following strict instructions from our Managing Director Mr. D. Roy. It has been brought to our attention that many employees are acting unprofessionally and spreading rumors within the office premises. It has also been reported to us that some of you have opined that the accidental death of our Accounts Manager, Mr. N. Bagchi last week was not merely an accident; instead it was driven by some external forces. We have received complaints that some employees are spreading irrational and illogical rumors surrounding Mr. Bagchi's unfortunate death. Words like "Supernatural causes", " Paranormal forces", "Haunted Office" and "Ghost" are being used to describe this mishap. Several employees have also reported "seeing" a

Mrityur Daak - A one page Bangla horror comics by Dipayan Chatterjee

Bengali Horror Comics

No Selfie - A one page horror comics

No Selfie - One Page Horror Comics